Thursday, December 6, 2007

A photoshoot

Mummy keeps the camera handy so she can take photos of us looking cute. I have asked her to put some up here.

Thoughtful Carla

Is it dinner time soon?

Furry face

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Does this angle make my eyes look big?

Tomorrow we go to owner training. Mummy and daddy realise that we don't need training, it is them that does. There are other doggies from the shelter there but we just want to sit together. Actually, we aren't that into other doggies. Mummy and daddy are quite ashamed of how growly we can be.

We had a walk in the rain this morning. I am so good, I sit every time mummy tells me to before we cross the road. Jack is willful and looks at mummy. Mummy gets angry and makes him sit. I like it better when Jack sits down straight away because then we get to the park quicker!

Can you see my favourite toy in the photo? That's my pink squeeky and I LOVES IT because it goes squeeek, squeeeek, squeek, squeeeeeek. You get the idea. Mummy found this tough squeeky at the supermarket and it has lasted much better which is good for me but sometimes mummy and daddy take it away from me. They are probably jealous because they don't have a pink squeeky. I am happy to share.

1 comment:

Ed and Kelly said...

Beautiful babies!

da Gooch and Miss Sophie say to tell them that there's no such thing as your eyes being too big....that's how you get da treats!